Terrible search capability in Liquor Cabinet
I really want to like this app. One of the best features is the ability to enter all of the liquor and mixers you have at home into the Liquor Cabinet and determine drinks you can make from those ingredients. Where it fails miserably is that once you have your liquor cabinet loaded, you cant search for a drink based on an ingredient, only by title. So if I want a drink using peach schnaaps, forget it; no drink has the words "peach schnaaps" in the title. Its extra frustrating in that the capability to search by ingredient already exists if you want to search the ENTIRE recipe database. But that defeats the ability to use the cool feature of the Liquor Cabinet! My rating would jump up to 4 stars if this problem would be fixed.
BlackbirdXX3 about Mixology™ Drink & Cocktail Recipes (Free), v5.0.5